So, you’ve finished this tutorial and want more.  Here are a few suggestions on where to go next.
Check out our sister site to get a feel for differences between PLC Lines.  Each product has it’s own page where you can find further information including free software downloads (if they exist), brochures and online vendors to purchase from.
You could pick up an inexpensive PLC to get started.  You can find a high quality, cheap PLC from  Otherwise, offers some decent, inexpensive PLCs.  If you need to stick with Rockwell or Siemens, you can easily pick one up form, or EBay without the hassle of dealing with a local rep.
There are some good forums out there. PLCTalk and MrPLC are 2 of the best.
Tim Young has some nice product specific walk-throughs at PLC Dev
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was happy to find the site as I am prepairing a course on the use of PLC,s